Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course, there will be more than just a hayride. But the hayride as given by Mr. Ascher is the sine qua non of the annual hayride. In other words, you cannot have a hayride unless you have, well, a hayride.
But since when have we ever gotten together for over fifteen seconds without breaking out goodies of some kind to munch on? Do you really believe we would drop the ball this time? At the annual hayride? Puh-leeze.
(Of course, at this very moment I have no idea what is planned food-wise. But experience has taught me that Jennie, Margaret, Lacey, and Mrs. Ascher -- of all people -- will not fail us in this department.)
Anyway, if you qualify as a young adult, please come. If you think that your young adult credentials may be out of date, but you still want to come, please do. Just let us know in advance.
And, by the way, just because you don't attend our church doesn't mean we wouldn't love to have you join. Come on!
Ascher's Farm
Friday night
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