The Pilgrim's Progress, John Bunyan
This is a classic. It is a must-read for the Christian today because it has earned its reputation as a valuable companion along with the Bible for many great Christians of times past. Charles Spurgeon read it over 100 times. William Carey could only afford to take a very small collection of books with him when he went to the field. This was one of them.
The Power of Praying Together, Oliver W. Price. 181 pages. Kregel Publications.
I have selected this book because it speaks to a subject that has been a central theme for our church - corporate prayer. The author is theologically sound and you will find the account of revivals to be inspiring. This is easy to read!
Spurgeon, A New Biography. Arnold Dallimore. 244 pages. Banner of Truth Trust.
The first biography in our Read for the Lord program just has to be one on Spurgeon! Dallimore was a well-respected Canadian pastor who wrote several outstanding biographies. This one on Spurgeon is short, but captures the essence of Spurgeon's life and ministry.
Knowing God. J.I. Packer. 275. IVP.
Our first in the theology category. This is a very popular book by a very popular author. We appreciate this esteemed author for his many helpful contributions to the cause of Christ. We regret that lately he has compromised much of what he has taught. This volume, however, is an excellent overview of the study of God. As a young man I read throught his little book every year for a period of five years.
Spiritual Leadership. J. Oswald Sanders. 202 pages. Moody Press.
This is a classic on spiritual leadership.
Spurgeon v. Hyper-Calvinism, The Battle for Gospel Preaching. Iain H. Murray. 160 pages. Banner of Truth Trust.
This is the first book for the "thorny issues" category! Sadly, most people do not understand the issues and they assume that Calvinism is Hyper-calvinism. You will see in this book that Spurgeon, an outspoken Calvinist, fought Hyper-calvinism with holy fury. I believe this easy to read book will contribute to your understanding of this critical issue. Iain Murray is a respected conservative theologian and Chief Editor of the Banner of Truth Trust. Enjoy!
The Pursuit of Holiness. Jerry Bridges. 157 pages. NavPress.
If you find a book by Jerry Bridges, pick it up. This man's writing is simple and humble. Everything that he writes is good. This particular study is invaluable to the Christian walk. Thus, it is our first in the "Christian Walk" category.
Foxe's Book of Martyrs. John Foxe.
Another one in the "Classics" category. Though the accuracy of some of these accounts has been questioned by professional historians, it is still remarkably trustworthy - a near 500 year old book written by an author running for his life! John Foxe has sometimes been called the Father of the Puritans. Read of the faithfulness of the martyrs and be stirred to be more dedicated to God.
1 comment:
This is great. You have provided a list of excellent reading for the people there at Morning Star, Bob. And I'm honored that you've included us, here at Banner, among them. One of my goals when I began overseeing Banner here in N. America is to encourage people to read, and not just the fluffy stuff, if you know what I mean. I applaud what you're doing. If I, through being here at Banner, can do anything to encourage or support you and the Lord's work there, please let me know.
Grace & peace,
Steve B.
Email: steve@banneroftruth.org
Blog: www.trophiesofhisgrace.blogspot.com
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