We will have breakfast together at 9:00, fellowship, and Pastor Mark will be leading us in our Bible study on indwelling sin from the book, The Enemy Within by Kris Lundgaard.

Tuesday, July 4 - Independence Day.
If you don't have family or other plans, you should join me. I have plans! Talk to me about it! At Morning Star everybody has a family to go to during the holidays!
Sunday, July 16 -
We will be visited by Dr. Joel Tetreau, pastor of Southeast Valley Baptist Church in Arizona. He is coming to particpate in a discussion with us about Global Grace and the possibility of his church partnering with us in this endeavor. He will speak for us. Joel is a friend of mine. I know that you will enjoy him. He is very down-to-earth, committed, happy, and humble. We will take up a love offering for this brother.
Sunday, July 23 -
Our supported missionaries, Bob and Bonnie Bixby to Bordeaux, France (my parents and responsible for this brood) will be with us for this day. Many of you have already met my parents. I am looking forward to having them here in my home, but also to hearing them update us about their ministry in France. As usual, we will also be taking a love offering up for them.
Tuesday, July 25 thru Friday, July 28 - VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL
Vacation Bible School is an excellent time for the children to invite their friends and for our church to reach out to the children in the community. Many parents willingly send their kids to VBS. We want to take advantage of this disposition to get the Gospel into their homes. Jeremy Scott will be directing the VBS this year.