This coming Sunday we are going to have a very special and full day. We are having a Missions Emphasis Sunday and will turn the SS hour into a service, thus having three services for the day. The children will go to SS as usual, but the teenagers will join the adults for the service in the main room. The schedule is as follows.
AM 1 - Speaker: David Hosaflook. Many of you saw the moving "Dispatches from the Front" about the ministry of this man in Albania. I know that you will find his speaking to be very powerful.

AM 2 - Speaker: Bob Bixby
PM - Speaker: Jason Rice - Slovakia. Jason returns to us after being on the deputation trail. We were his first meeting. He and his wife have three boys.

AM 2 - Speaker: Bob Bixby
PM - Speaker: Jason Rice - Slovakia. Jason returns to us after being on the deputation trail. We were his first meeting. He and his wife have three boys.
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