Friday, June 06, 2008

Spiritually Refreshed and Thankful

Two years ago we were able to attend the Impact Conference. Due to the cost and logistics of going, last year we just ordered the audio recordings. A month or two ago, Pastor Bixby sent orders (with funds) for us to attend this year's conference (held last week) and we were delighted. Our church family here also voiced their support to see us go to the conference. One family here at GNBC graciously agreed to look after our children and insisted on looking after the puppy, too! Another family insisted that we use their car for the eight-hour round trip, instead of our van, to reduce the gas prices (at US$6.21 per gallon!).

Ministry challenges in recent months have drained our spirits a bit, and we were so blessed by both the preaching and fellowship at the conference. It would be hard to determine which blessed us more.

We were able to meet several other American missionary/pastors and their wives serving in other parts of New Zealand. We also very much enjoyed fellowship with an Australian pastor. (A family from his church worshipped with us last year while they were in New Zealand visiting family, and we were all pleased to put faces to the various connections). The conference itself is held in an area where we used to serve under BWM, so we were also able to minister and fellowship with former teammates and friends in the church there.

The preaching centered on God's grace and our pursuit of holiness, a theme not planned by the organizers but providentially guided. Both of us were challenged and encouraged by the ministry of the Word. The absence of our own ministry duties also afforded us the opportunity to sit together during the preaching. We had almost forgotten what that was like!

Most of the time we were neglecting the camera, but we did remember to take a few quick photos.

Our lodging was free since we stayed in a caravan loaned by someone in the host church. That was our first ever caravan stay.

Three meals a day were served in this tent. The conference has grown to around 400 in attendance, so the buildings don't accommodate the crowd. The tent was heated with a large open fire gas heater. When walking by the heater, one was reminded of the story of the king's men dying when they cast Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego into the fiery furnace. It was hot!!

The services were spiritually invigorating. Crowds this size are extremely rare in Biblically sound New Zealand churches.

Please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for the insight of the leadership at MSBC as well as to all who support the church financially, which made it possible for us to receive this blessing.

Scott and Lori

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