Happy New Year! What a great time our church had as we met in homes around the city for our New Year's Eve Gatherings! There were parties at the Berryman's, Lee's and Myers'. We had a great time of fellowship as we sang together, prayed together, and shared testimonies together.
At the Myers' home, we sang with guitar accompaniment many of the "songs-of-the-month" for the past year of 2006. We had a season of prayer for about 40 minutes as we prayed for the spiritual and physical health of our church. There are still many who are exsperiencing physical struggles as well as spiritual.
Both Bill Hunt and Pat Berryman also said that they had a wonderful time of fellowship in their homes. Let's have a Christ-centered focus this year as well as saturating ourselves in the Word and in prayer. We look forward to what God has in store for Morning Star as we embark on a new year for His glory!
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