The war on Christmas is not quite the same here as you find in the States. We do hear of the odd store choosing to exclude “Merry Christmas” in their advertising. However, the lack of morals and the need for true Christianity here continue to strike us as a most pressing matter. We mentioned the Hell Pizza chain previously. New Zealand (NZ) government is currently processing a law change that would ban spanking of children. If this law passes (scheduled for February), it would allow for parents who discipline their children to be prosecuted as criminals. Assaults against biblical principles are common here.
Another noteworthy news item is a 23 year-old young man in our city who is attempting to launch a New World Order Party. His goals are truly global, and he is collecting signatures, with only 500 needed, to register the Party and compete in the next NZ parliamentary elections. He wants to bring in a new world order to rid the planet of hunger, sickness, poverty, crime and disease. This young man is probably not the only person in this world with such ambitions, but the news article reminded us again that we are fighting a powerful enemy.
Scott has encountered countless opportunities to witness in his secular work environment. Most recently, a former Mormon has expressed interest in visiting our church to learn more about what we believe. Scott has enjoyed passing out a tract which appears to be a card with a special area to press your thumb to test if you are a good person (or not). It instructs the holder to press the spot for exactly 15 seconds, saying it will change from red to green if the person is good. Of course, it doesn’t, and there is a gospel message on the back, as well as an opportunity for Scott to speak directly to the person. This particular tract is well received, as Kiwis enjoy a good joke. We continue to pray for harvest from the many seeds that have been sown.
Scott has been excited to begin discipling a man who is very keen to study the Bible. He strikes us as one who may possibly enter the ministry one day. His eagerness to really study the Word of God in depth is refreshing. God is rewarding his diligence with new knowledge of the Word of God.
We have previously mentioned Jim, who is dying of cancer. He is holding steady at the moment, but his wife, Peg, has been hospitalized indefinitely with debilitating severe lower back pain. The cause is not yet identified. The two of them are both suffering, and are currently unable to be together. They would appreciate your prayers as they walk through their trials.
Please also continue to pray for Marj, pictured here with Heidi and Daniel. She has returned to the Philippines for four weeks. We had really hoped to see her accept Christ before she left. We believe she will accept the Lord, and ask that you join us in prayer for her soul. Marj is also facing some very difficult personal decisions and would very much appreciate your prayers for her to have wisdom from God.
God is working in lives here. Due to the public nature of the internet, we currently feel it wise not to publicly declare some things. We continue to thank God that, in spite of our weaknesses, He has entrusted us with a part in the ministry here. Your prayers for us are a great source of joy and comfort. We are encouraged and strengthened by them. Thank you!
Serving joyfully,
Lori, on behalf of all of us
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