Scott has completed his Sunday morning series on all the ‘tions’ you could possibly think of, and maybe a few more (propitiation, reconciliation, adoption, etc). He is wrapping up his series on salvation with several messages on the destiny of man. One lady was very pleased for her teenage son to hear a sermon on hell. The lady commented she didn’t believe her son had ever heard such a message. After the message that same young man commented to Scott that it was a very interesting sermon. We trust God will continue to do a work in that young man’s life.
New Zealand society does not recognize itself as a pagan society. Many Kiwis have commented to us that they find it comical to hear of another country sending missionaries to New Zealand. However, there is much to demonstrate the need for the gospel here. A pizza chain which has arisen is named “Hell Pizza.” They are a fast growing company despite their explicit attempts to make a mockery of the reality of hell. Their advertisements are enough to make you furious or weep. It is just too offensive for us to publicly list a portion of their advertising leaflet here. Their pizza combinations have such names as: sinister, underworld, damned, and brimstone. They have sought to mock every stereotype or biblical idea of hell. Unfortunately, this pizza chain is growing at a remarkable rate. The New Zealand people need Christ and the truth of the Bible.
Please remember to pray for Marj. She has recently been discouraged by Satan’s attempts to prevent her from attending our Bible studies. She continues to learn the Word of God and we believe she will be gloriously saved as the light of the gospel illumines a mind and heart that have been clouded by false religion for so many years.
Our children are still adjusting to being back in New Zealand. Heidi is amazed at the vast difference in vocabulary. She was incredulous that a Kiwi friend did not know what fuzz is. Upon doing some detective work with a few other Kiwis, we didn’t find any who knew what fuzz is! Apparently they don’t have it here! The best comparison using a word from both cultures is lint. Trying to figure out any difference between lint and fuzz is futile.
Today we enjoyed a fun activity with the children who attend church. A number of them live in a very small apartment with no yard or grass. They enjoyed joining our family for some organized games and a picnic instead of playing their computer games and watching more TV. An old-fashioned sack race was their favorite game. These children enjoy their teaching time at church, and we pray that each of them will be well-grounded in God’s Word.
We are looking forward to a good Lord’s Day here. May God reward you for your faithful prayers on our behalf.
Scott, Lori, Heidi, and Daniel
1 comment:
Great report, Lori and Scott, thank you! You are in my prayers.
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