We had a wonderful time this evening with a gathering of some of the younger members of our assembly (Pastor Bixby, note that I am trying to avoid the "group" word). We learned things about each other that perhaps were not common knowledge before.
Just to give you an idea, I was shocked to learn that one member of our leadership once dressed up as the Easter Bunny and another member once ate the head of a chicken to impress a girl. This just goes to show you how far God's grace can bring individuals.
Of course we had some food to eat. As we ate we played a short game designed to get to know each other better. Pastor Bixby also elaborated on the purpose of having a targeted ministry for this specific age of gathered individuals (not group). I'll let Pastor expound on that as he and the leadership team have identified and articulated the purpose very well. After the food we also had a time of singing.
As Paul instructed the Ephesians, we are to speak to one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, and to sing and make melody in our hearts to the Lord. And, as this example shows, sometimes when that is done it can sound pretty good.
Thank you, Berrymans, for opening up your home. I think most everyone was out of there by 10:15 at the latest, but the Bixbys and the Metras entertained the Berrymans until waaaaay after midnight! I couldn't believe Evan and Patience were still standing.
This reminds me of what my father-in-law recalls as one of the happiest times in his long and faithful ministry: he said that families in the church would get together on Sunday nights and enjoy each other for so long they had to carry their kids out to the cars!
I know that there were a number of gatherigs taking place last night besides the gathering at the Berrymans. I can understand why my father-in-law was happy.
I had a wonderful time! Thanks for letting us all come over! I'm excited about this new ministry of our church.
Thanks to Pat and Lacey for letting us come over and to all the food preparers. Oh, and to Pastor and Chris for sharing such interesting things about themselves! :) I had a great time! I'm excited about this new ministry of our church.
Metras, Bixbys and Berrymans... thanks for everything last night. I had fun. I'm looking forward to future plans we have and Sunday school.
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